Archive for the ‘BBQ Club’ Category

Olive Oil Pine Nut Bread

August 7, 2009
Olive Oil Pine Nut Bread

Olive Oil Pine Nut Bread

While we were at St. Lawrence Market on our anniversary, we decided to pick up a bunch of beef, chicken and fish kebabs for our Thursday barbecue.  Since we were home for the day, we decided to make a few other things as well, including this delicious loaf of bread from The Bread Lover’s Bread Machine Cookbook.

Although the recipe involved making the whole thing in the bread machine, we decided to take it out and bake it in the oven.  The resulting loaf was one of the best we’ve ever made, so we decided it was worth sharing the recipe:


BBQ Club: Part 1

June 5, 2009

The first of our weekly summer BBQs was last night… what a great evening. Thanks to those of you who were able to join! 

Nothing too exciting this time… our menu was pretty simple:

  • Burgers: Lick’s Homeburgers and Lick’s Natureburgers
    Happy to support Lick’s more than ever now. Their burgers are not only crazy tasty – but they are a food sponsor for this year’s Relay For Life. I’m happy to find more excuses to enjoy some Lick’s goodness.
  • Hamburger Buns: Homemade, of course
    This is actually the norm for us now… it’s so easy! And so tasty! (…and it leads to the obvious-but-ridiculous joke about everyone enjoying my firm and tasty buns) I made them bigger than the recipe called for this time – making 10 from a batch instead of 12. Worked out well.  Next time perhaps I should try a whole wheat variety? Hmmm.
  • Salad: Super super simple – mixed greens with oil and balsamic.
  • Dessert
    – Emily’s yummy yummy homemade blueberry apple pie! Photos coming soon!
    – Homemade strawberry ice cream. Turned out well!

We also had a nice mix of beer, wine, and soft drinks. A delicious and relaxing evening.

Thursday Night Barbecue Club

May 9, 2009
Note: this is not our backyard. But it is some of the people we would like to have in attendance!

Note: This is not our backyard. But it is some of the people we would like to have in attendance.

Cari and I have a somewhat ambitious plan for this summer.

Every Thursday (unless otherwise specified), we will be spending our evenings in the backyard; eating barbecue, drinking wine or beer, and relaxing.  Anyone who is able to join us is encouraged to, whether it’s every week, or just once in a while.  If it rains, we’ll just move ourselves inside.  But on virtually every Thursday night between June 4 and September 3, we will be doing this.  Some come and join us!

All we expect from our guests is *some* contribution, whether it be meats (or veggie alternatives) to be grilled, salads to be shared, or drinks to be consumed.  The idea is to keep things super casual and just give everyone a chance to drop in and enjoy the company and the atmosphere.

We’re not going to ask for much advanced notice, and each week we’ll send out a reminder (which may just be in the form of a Facebook status) indicating that the particular week is on.  Just drop in and enjoy!

The first of our weekly barbecues will happen on Thursday June 4.  We’ll start grilling around 7, but show up whenever.  We hope to see you then.